Saturday, January 10, 2009

Holy Shit!

That is the only thing I can say about our recent findings. Here's the story:
My sister, who is pregnant, was scheduled for an early ultrasound on Thursday. Her husband had to be out of town for work, and she didn't want to go the ultrasound by herself, so she had me come along. She was a bit nervous because she was so sick with Brady and has felt nothing this time. So, we get in the room and the tech decides to to the transvaginal because she's only 8w6d. Mel wanted to have Thom on the phone so he could hear what was happening, but the tech said it would interfere with the machine. She starts to put it in and we see nothing...then, all of the sudden, TWO blobs. The tech says, "there are TWO babies." Melissa says, "holy shit!" and the tech says, "holy shit! You can call your husband!" We were all crying. The babies are fraternal, each having their own sacs and what looked like placentas. They are both measuring 8w6d. It has got to be the coolest thing I have ever seen. We just could not believe it.
So, the crazy part? Her due date WAS August 14. Mine is July 12. Because she is having twins, that moves up her due date two to three weeks. Plus, she had pre-e with Brady and her risk is greater now with twins, giving her an even greater chance of delivering earlier. So, we'll probably deliver quite near the same time, essentially giving us triplets.
We both woke up the following day and thought, did that really happen? "Holy shit!"


Char said...

OMG- I'm teary! That is absolutely AMAZING!
I guess the little riddle on the Calender Gift was a little off.

Mom 2 D and T said...

That is 2 stinking awesome!!!!!!!!!!! What a fun story!

Aimée said...

OMG! THAT'S the TRIPLET DREAM!!! Two for her and one for you! Three babies for your family at once! OMG I'm so emotional and almost CRYING over this. I'm so stinkin' excited!!! The triplet dream FINALLY makes SENSE!!

Becky at lifeoutoffocus said...

that is so crazy and awesome and cool!