I have so much to be thankful for. My wonderful husband, great kids, a healthy family, a new baby on the way, our new house, great friends. I'd have to say that I've got everything I could ever need. So, thank you to you, for being a part of my life! Have a great Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
A Different World
The World Wide Web is a strange place for me. You make purchases, watch movies, play games, make friends, fall in love. You can also go into debt, ruin real-life relationships, lose friends, and dislike people. In real life, if you don't get along with someone, you might "play" nice, distance yourself, or even try to avoid that person. Online, you can totally cut that person out of your life with no repercussions. Some people treat the online world just as they treat their real world; others do not. It's a fine line, isn't it?
Posted by Amie at 4:09 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The sickness came to our house 10 days ago. It started with Owen, moved on in a worse way to Emerson and now has hit Greyson the hardest. I really thought we'd all be over it by now. I just want non-sick kids for Thanksgiving, which is in four days. Hopefully, we'll see some improvement tomorrow.
Posted by Amie at 5:00 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I've Created a Monster
We all know how much I love all of the baby shows: A Baby Story, Birth Day, Jon and Kate Plus Eight, The Duggars, etc. Well, Emerson has developed her own obsession with them. She has given up any sort of cartoon and only wants to watch "the lady that's having a baby". She loves the big bellies, the pushing, the blood, seeing how many there are, the names, everything. You should see how mad Owen gets. Poor guy.
Posted by Amie at 6:27 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I think I need to bring you up to speed on my current pregnancy. Let's start at the beginning.
I'd like to start off by saying that I have gotten pregnant the first month of trying for six pregnancies. This time, we started trying in April. Not too serious, but trying. In July, I finally got pregnant. It lasted all of 13 days. I started to feel "not pregnant" and I took a test. There was only a very faint line, and I ended up miscarrying later that day. So we started trying again.
In October, we got pregnant again. Three days before my bfp (big fat positive), I had a crazy dream. It went like this: I'm having an early ultrasound (about 8 weeks in) and the ultrasound tech says, "Oh look! It's twins!" And I think, "holy crap!" THEN she says, "No, wait there's THREE!" Then I wake up in a panicky sweat. Not funny. Then, about a week ago, it happened again. I had another triplet dream. Not the same dream, but similar and very real. I've had dreams of being pregnant before. Actually, I've had one before all of my bfp's. But NEVER a triplet dream. Jason says to quit talking about it. He goes pale if I mention it. So, I've tucked it away and silently wonder.
That brings us to now. Now, where I feel like crap and have a lot on my plate. At least I have something to do.
Posted by Amie at 6:20 PM 1 comments
When Will It End?
SO. I am 6 weeks, 2 days pregnant with our fourth child. I'd have to say that this is the worst I have felt with any of my pregnancies. For the past two weeks, I am nauseous around the clock and I feel like I could sleep for days. Even the thought of eating or cooking food makes me gag. Also, I have had constant diarrhea. And to top it off, the kids are all sick with ear infections.
Aside from all of that, we are moving into our new house next week, which is also Thanksgiving and my birthday. And then, in two weeks, I am taking my real estate licensing exam. Luckily, I am just about finished with the Christmas shopping.
All I have to say is, for all the boredom over the last few months, I'm sure getting one heck of a payback.
Posted by Amie at 6:09 PM 2 comments