Tuesday, November 18, 2008

When Will It End?

SO. I am 6 weeks, 2 days pregnant with our fourth child. I'd have to say that this is the worst I have felt with any of my pregnancies. For the past two weeks, I am nauseous around the clock and I feel like I could sleep for days. Even the thought of eating or cooking food makes me gag. Also, I have had constant diarrhea. And to top it off, the kids are all sick with ear infections.

Aside from all of that, we are moving into our new house next week, which is also Thanksgiving and my birthday. And then, in two weeks, I am taking my real estate licensing exam. Luckily, I am just about finished with the Christmas shopping.

All I have to say is, for all the boredom over the last few months, I'm sure getting one heck of a payback.


Char said...

Although the sickness is miserable, it is definately a reassuring symptom. I hope things will calm down for you soon. Good luck with the move and testing.

Aimée said...

Being sick sucks, but from what I've read it is an excellent sign.